What is SEO? It’s easier than you’d think!

If you’re reading this, I’m going to bet that you’re building a website, or working on one for someone else, and you’re interested in learning how to rank well on Google. There is a plethora of information available, and everyone keeps referring to “SEO.” Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an abbreviation. In layman’s terms, it is the process of making your website more visible on search engines so that you can attract more organic traffic.

It is not difficult to optimise your website for search engines, but it is a step that not many businesses take, which means that it can be extremely beneficial if you are competing with a large number of other local businesses.

Concentration on Keywords

What is your name and what is your company’s mission? My company, Ramro Synergy offers a wide range of services, all of which can be found on our website. Please explore our website for more information! Let’s say you go to Google and type in Ramro Synergy to find us. We are in direct competition with a large number of websites that include references to the word Ramro, which is a Nepali and Hindi word meaning: Good, or Excellent, and if our website does not have good enough SEO, they will outrank us in the search engine results. Given that we are a relatively new company and that we are competing with major competition, we have a long and hard fight ahead if we want to hit page 1. This is where keywords come in!

What exactly is a keyword? Simply put, a keyword is a phrase that identifies your company and can be used by a search engine to locate your website. Suppose you sell lamps and are based in Colchester. Your keywords should be Lamps, Colchester, and Lamps in Colchester, and you should make sure that these are prominently displayed on your website.

It is important for us to mention the name of our company on the website a few times, but we must do so in a natural way so that people are not turned off by our presence. It’s also important to make sure that the keyword is placed in an appropriate location. The title of this blog, should give you an idea of what it is about. It’s a blog about SEO, and it contains the word SEO, which is one of our keywords, a number of times throughout the post. If you’re writing a blog, it’s always a good idea to include the keyword in the title and at least one subtitle. We shouldn’t overuse the term, though, because Google despises spam with a ferocious passion.

Blog as if you’ve never written a blog before

Right now, you’re reading a blog, which is an important search engine optimization tool. The words on this page are densely packed with keywords and are directly related to our company’s operations. If you’ve been following the blog, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve mentioned the name of my company, Ramro Synergy. I am also backlinking to it so you with a dofollow backlink so that this website supports my website, you can do this with internal linking as I’ve just done to support other blogs on your site and recommend them when the crawlers come round – you don’t need to know too much about this, just make sure you’re always linking to things on your website where possible and to friends websites if they produce relevant content. When writing blogs, it’s always a good idea to make sure that you include your company’s name somewhere in the post. Usually, just one placement will do it. If you write blogs for your friend, make sure you link back to relevant content on your website!

Blogs are beneficial because they are densely packed with keywords that describe you, your company, and the things that you accomplish. You can write blogs about anything that is related to your company. Suppose you work in the construction industry. You could talk about roofing, or the importance of maintaining fascias and soffits, bricklaying, or pretty much anything else that has to do with your company. Link to your suppliers and ask them to link to you, as if they do this, it will help Google rank you as a higher priority.

The more information you have on your website that is related to your business, the more likely it is that people will come to your website to read your blogs and other content. An increase in traffic to your site means that its value will naturally increase in the eyes of Google and other search engines as a result of the increased traffic. You’ll also want to include your keywords in the URL of your website. Take a look at our URL; instead of using the number of the blog, I have chosen to include keywords to make our blog more noticeable.

If people aren’t leaving your site after a few seconds and are instead reading your content, your site is more likely to be highly ranked by search engines. People may also share your website on social media sites such as Facebook and Reddit, which will increase the number of people who visit your website as well as the overall value of your website. More information on blogging can be found on our blog, which can be found here.

Investigate Your Competitors

Consider the following scenario: you own a restaurant in a large town or city that is surrounded by other businesses, all of which have their own websites. The majority of restaurants specialise in a particular cuisine, such as Indian, Italian, Chinese, or my personal favourite, the Good Old Dodgy Kebab.

Consider the following scenario: you are the owner of a Chinese restaurant. Customers will look up Chinese Restaurants if they want to eat there.  Try going to Google and typing in your own town name and add Chinese Restaurant in order to see what companies appear. In addition to receiving pages from Trip Advisor and possibly Just-Eat, you’ll receive a few websites that are recommending you, and you will most likely notice competition. You should look at the kinds of posts your competition make and strive to do better. If your web page is new, there is a good chance you will struggle for the first year or so getting onto Google, but once you’re on there, the fun begins!

Let’s say I want to help a restaurant. Recently Santorini Greek Food in Colchester has been providing me with excellent service so if you’ve noticed, I’ve made a backlink to them in this sentence. By talking about the restaurant’s wonderfully delicious food and recommending Santorini to others within the paragraph I am adding keywords and benefitting their restaurant at the same time. They will probably not know that I have made this backlink, or that this will benefit their business, however they deserve it because their food is amazing. Due to this blog mainly being about SEO it will not help them as much as a dedicated blog to their company, however, it will still help a little and will be really useful to them in the long run!

Let’s focus on this idea all over again for your company. Go to Google and type in “Your Business Type” as well as the name of the town or city where you work, and then choose your No. 1 competitor from the list of businesses that appears. If you are number one, congratulations! If not, take a look at the person who is ranked first. You’re going to need to analyse them and see what they’re doing to stay on top of the games. Sometimes they’ll be advertising, but that costs money.

If they write blogs, which is likely, you want to write bigger and better blogs covering the topics they’re ranking for. Improve and lengthen them; include as much information as you can, linking to other blogs on your site; and compete with them. Make an effort to outperform them in everything they do, and you’ll begin to stand out more. If you can provide enough information, you will easily defeat your competitors. You have to think of SEO like lifting weights, you need to work out regularly if your website wants to stay in shape. Rome was not built in a day and you should be aware it will take time for you to surpass them, but with consistent effort, you will do so within a few months. You might also want to consider signing up with online directories, as long as it’s free, for those wonderful backlinks!


You have images on your website, don’t you? Almost every website contains images that are interspersed throughout it. All images should be given a name and an alt-tag, which can be related to your company’s name as well as the topic under discussion. What exactly is going on in the image. This will assist Google’s crawlers in determining that the topics and images are related, which will result in a slight improvement in your ranking. A lot of the time I forget to do this, but it makes a difference.

In order to improve the SEO of your site, it is always recommended that you change the name of the images before uploading them. For example, if you upload an image with the name “Sect News SEO Guide.jpg,” it will be better for your site than 348231924.jpg. It is possible to designate an alt-tag with the name “Sect News SEO Guide” after the image has been uploaded.

Meta tags and meta descriptions are important for search engine optimization.

Small businesses aren’t as concerned with Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions as larger corporations. Meta tags are snippets of text that describe the content of a web page in a brief manner. However, they only come into play when your website is viewed on search engines, and they do not appear on the actual website.. Most of the time, they look something like this. For example, “Sect.News| Guide to SEO | Search Engine Optimisation” might appear above the Meta Description of a website.

The Meta Description of your website’s page on a search engine provides a brief description of the page. The content of this section does not appear on the website, but it contains a little more information than the Meta Tags. You can summarise what your page is about and give a hint as to the valuable information that is contained within it in just 160 characters! Meta tags and meta descriptions must contain keywords in order for them to work properly.

Hypertext Links (internal links)

A great deal of value is provided by internal links, as I’ve previously mentioned. The benefit of having these is that they keep people who are interested in specific tangents of the topics you are discussing on your site longer, allowing you to serve them more ads, show them more services, and line your pockets. Consider the possibility that someone came to this page to learn more about blogging and then left through clicking one of my links. In this situation, I have directed them to another website and I would have lost a potential customer; however, if I keep them here with my own blog about blogging for local businesses, I have maintained a potential customer’s interest! A healthy internal link profile appears to search engines favourably, which can aid in the improvement of your search engine ranking.


A Backlink is a hyperlink that points to your website from another website. When it comes to determining how websites rank in search results, Google and many other search engines place a great deal of emphasis on backlink profiles. Not all backlinks are beneficial; in fact, some can be detrimental to your website’s search engine ranking. Never, ever purchase backlinks because you have no way of knowing whether or not they will be beneficial to you. Please see the following blog post for more information on backlinks, along with a couple of hints on how to set them up! This is also a backlink to my old business site, which means it will help my website SEO. Muahahah! Having multiple sites can help!

Avoid plagiarising or copying other people’s work.

The prospect of writing a lengthy and complicated blog post can appear daunting at times. I’ve come across a number of businesses that have plagiarised blogs from other businesses. Not only is this detrimental to your SEO efforts, as search engines despise duplicate content, but you are also infringing on the intellectual property rights of the blog’s author. Several of my previous blogs have addressed the topic of copyright, but in the simplest terms, it is not acceptable to steal another person’s work. It is dangerous, and it may result in legal action being taken against you as a result of your actions.

Don’t give up on your dreams!

SEO is a slow process, it does not happen overnight and it can take a long time to slowly crawl up the search engine results pages, especially if you are competing against people who are highly experienced in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). The most important thing to remember is to persevere and keep writing blogs, making sure that alt-text is included in images and that you are filling out your Meta Tags and description fields correctly. If your competition has a blog on a particular subject, write several posts around that subject and interlink them so that they stand out to Google, and you will eventually start to climb the rankings. –

There are a plethora of ‘SEO’ schemes that promise to assist people while also charging an exorbitant amount of money and producing generally poor results. Concentrate solely on the work you are currently doing on your website, and you will succeed.

If you have a Facebook page, post a link to your website there to get it in front of more people. Maintain your efforts, and you will eventually begin to see improvements! Just don’t get discouraged if you write ten fantastic blogs and none of them seem to be getting any traction. I have some cases where I get no views on blogs at all until I start sharing them on Social Media… Soon, these little seemingly = undiscoverable blogs may well be the reason you are ranked number one. It’s important to stick with it and not give up because, as other website owners become complacent and let their guard down, this is when you’ll begin to stand out.

Some businesses have a fantastic website built for them that has been thoroughly researched and contains a wealth of information about their products, but if it is not updated on a regular basis, it will eventually lose its appeal, so keep blogging away regularly. Don’t give up, and don’t ever give in! If you’ve made it this far in this blog, you have my full confidence! You’re up to the challenge! You’ll make it if you follow these steps to the letter.

Alex O’Neil

I am a blogger based in the UK. I work as an SEO specialist and Web Designer, and my hobbies include making small films and writing music.


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