Microblogging – Can it Still Be Useful?

Microblogging can help make the difference for your business when it comes to running an effective campaign online with social media.

Before we begin I need to be completely open with you. For SEO purposes, microblogging will not usually be of any use to any website at all. It can be useful to localise a website, as many articles on news sites are themselves too short to be useful for SEO purposes, but mentioning the surrounding areas can be effective for showing where your focus is located.

The microblog exists almost entirely for promotion on social media.

Many marketers, myself included recommend blogs over 1000 words in order to stand a chance of showing up online in the overly saturated modern era. This is because they are aiming for SEO – and with microblogging this is not the aim at all.

So What Is A Microblog?

I would define a microblog as a company related article of 200 to 350 words that talks about the company, services or products.

With 50 of these on your website, you will have plenty of content to share on social media constantly. You can even use a post rotator as I do with many clients to ensure these blogs constantly go out, I recommend once per 2 to 3 days. (There is LITTLE difference in terms of Facebook reach and analytics.) 

Things to Include:

  • Company Name and relevant information.
  • Product Name/Service Name plus relevant information.
  • Company Location somewhere at the bottom of the article.
  • Backlinks to relevant sites or information supporting the article.
  • Internal Backlinks to similar products, services or information or other related content.

These blogs will:

  • Define the website as being yours and related to you when people search for you online.
  • Show that people can get services from you and teach them about your services whilst showing your local area.
  • Give you consistent posting content.

Evergreen Content:

Your main focus for these blogs should be evergreen content, which is basically content that doesn’t go out of date and can always be relevant to your business. Let’s say you post about digital marketing. You can do one microblog about SEO, one about the value of blogging. One about your best business services. These can be posted any time and whenever you need quick content, or if you’re lazy like I am, you can put them on a post rotator and have one come up every few days. 

Internal and External Links:

Linking your blogs internally like I’m doing here about this blog on not having time to write blogs will help search engines crawling your site connect relevant information about your company. Linking externally will work as a reference point and help your SEO slightly if you are linking to quality information. Yep, it can be beneficial to link well with outgoing links as well!

Microblogging Gives a Slight Edge

When it comes to SEO, microblogging does give a slight edge over competitors that don’t bother with it. They are short, easy to write, and they also benefit your company a little. They are not super powerful but you can churn them out a lot quicker than the average long winded blog.

If you write enough of them they will help show that you are a supplier of specific items in a way other websites won’t have, and you may start ranking higher for your services. The edge you will get is over competition who cannot be bothered. You don’t need to write an absurdly long blog. My longest ones are over 5000 words, and that is almost a tenth of a novel. These are very effective and give me the edge though!

To Conclude:

The microblog is useful for someone who wants to quickly fill their website with short, to the point information about goods and services without writing long meandering never ending blogs which have been overtly and underhandedly extended just to increase the magnitude of their magnanimously over the top word count. – As I just did here.

The goal is to have content that can always be shared on social media and to set them up on a post rotator like content studio for which I have an affiliate link here. I recommend a lifetime account for small businesses, they’re amazing! Constant content going up on your page is good as it will always show you’re in business and you can potentially get customers interested in your goods and services without having to keep a constant eye on things. It doesn’t take a lot of time to set it up and it’s high results for low effort, which I think is a definite plus!

Alex O’Neil

I am a blogger based in the UK. I work as an SEO specialist and Web Designer, and my hobbies include making small films and writing music.


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