How to Get Out of Debt!

If you’re in debt, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a recent study, the average American has $38,000 in personal debt. That’s a lot of money! But don’t despair,…

How to Improve Your Workplace Productivity

As a result of the numerous distractions, which include social media, mobile phones, and the ordinary activities of daily life, the modern office is quickly becoming an increasingly difficult place…

Business and Teamwork

Teamwork entails individuals and groups from various departments and divisions across your organisation cooperating to maximise their efficiency and achieve a common goal. A variety of approaches are used to…

Handling Misrepresentation on Social Media

One of the worst things you may find yourself dealing with in arguments on social media, especially political ones, is being misrepresented by an opponent in order to discredit you,…

The Problem with Arguments from Authority

I’ll bet you’ve come into contact with an argument in which a number of people have shown support for a cause. Maybe it’s one specific person that people respect or…

How Will Increasing The Minimum Wage and Corporation Tax Benefit Workers In The UK?

It won’t, and here’s why: The Minimum Wage, whilst a noble sounding idea, actually cripples the people who are working at that pay grade, and even people working slightly above…

Why a High Minimum Wage is Bad for Inexperienced Workers

Every now and then, the government increases the minimum wage only to be met by massive public approval with the majority of the people not actually understanding the negative impacts…