Five Ways You Can Save Money And Avoid Financial Risk!

If you are struggling to make ends meet financially, you are pretty much where I was 10 years ago. I’d never had a job, I was a school dropout who’d…

Building Your First Online Directory

Running an online business directory is tough and requires a lot of effort to be a successful endeavour. Not only does the directory have to have a large amount of…

Using Hashtags To Promote Local Business

Hashtags are always an interesting subject when it comes to marketing and promoting your business. Marketing companies and advertisers commonly use them when promoting companies across a variety of different…

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Just-Eat As A Business

Just-Eat has destroyed several companies I have worked with in Colchester, as well as damaging several that really struggled to recover. Outside of Colchester there are many more examples of…

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Facebook Page

Facebook sometimes seems like an uphill struggle. Your natural reach on posts always seems to be relatively low, especially on business pages, and it can cause frustration for many people…

I Want To Write Blogs But I Don’t Have Time!

Time is always a vitally important thing when it comes to promoting your business and moving ahead with the things you need. If you are working on a business blog…

Why You Should Avoid Complicated Systems for Takeaways and Restaurants

Before we begin, this advice is primarily for the owners of restaurants and takeaways based here in the UK. It is based upon my experiences working with a wide variety…

Get Your Business Seen Locally By Writing Blogs

One of the most important things when running a business that relies on local customers is to be able to be seen locally online when people are looking for businesses…

Should My Business Consider Using Sales Funnels?

The sales funnel is a tried and tested method and has been perfected over many years and despite falling behind in popularity, still remains a common choice for businesses and…

Five Ways You Can Help Your Local Restaurants and Takeaways

The COVID-19 Pandemic did an incredible amount of damage to restaurants and takeaways worldwide. With these businesses struggling all over the UK and the rest of the world due to…